98 Days…

It occurred to me a week or so ago that the end of the year was creeping up on me and as I reflected upon this I had the realization that I had not yet accomplished my goals for 2022. It wasn’t just that I hadn’t reached them but more that I woke up to the fact that I hadn’t really, truly and honestly worked hard enough on them to make some traction – create some momentum and get the train moving. I was reminded of a quote “Don’t be disappointed my the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do”.

And so, on that note I decided to make some changes. They might be super small and almost seem insignificant on their own but over time they will produce results. This really got me thinking about the idea of stacking tiny little things to your day and what that could like when it accumulates say at the end of the year. After 98 days.

Just imagine that on Day 1 (or 98 as we countdown) you woke up and took three deep inhales and exhales before you got off the bed. Let’s face it you probably sit there for a moment anyhow after turning off the alarm so it’s not actually taking any more time.

Day 2 you would take you three breaths and then have a glass of water before coffee.

Day 3 – Three breaths, glass of water, piece of fruit with breakfast.

Day 4 – Three breaths, glass of water, fruit, coffee in silence (meaning no scrolling on a phone or laptop)

Day 5 – Three breaths, glass of water, fruit, coffee w/no social media, walk 5-10 minutes after dinner.

Now overall the point of this is to be adding something of value to what you are already doing. It’s so easy for people to say they don’t have time. Or they decide to make a huge overhaul and ultimately they change so many things at once that it becomes too overwhelming and difficult to sustain. With this idea we can easily and subtly add or subtract things from our day which take no extra time or effort. Let’s fast forward 90 days and see what this could look like….

It’s New Year’s Eve and you wake feeling great. Yes its been busy over the last few weeks but you have managed to be consistent and stick to all almost all your new adaptations because they were so easy and you slowly did it. You knew walking for 5-10 minutes was far better than zero minutes and many times you actually walked longer. You realize that over this last period you move better, feel better, sleep better and are even down a few pounds. You wake and take three expansive inhales and exhales on the side of your bed. You know that you are a different person now. It slowly happened, but it happened none the less. You are not in the same spot as you were three months ago. You have made a TRANSFORMATION!!!

You were going to have coffee anyhow. You had to drive to work anyways. But how we choose to do each task could be the difference between being more productive and intentional or just repeating the same patterns. Instead of choosing autopilot you chose conscious creating.

Congratulations, and welcome to the new version of YOU!

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